The living and enviornmental conditions of the children of detroit can not be described by any adjectives in the english language?
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Angry Birds PC Game - Adopt A Crack Head?!?! Videos
Adopt A Crack Head?!?! Videos
Save Detroit adopt a CRACKHEAD!
It's time that somebody speaks out on behalf of the children left behind in a WAR ZONE!
Please take some home today? While supplies last.
Save Detroit adopt a CRACKHEAD!
It's time that somebody speaks out on behalf of the children left behind in a WAR ZONE!
Please take some home today? While supplies last.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Help Detroits Children!: FREE USED CONDOMS???
Help Detroits Children!: FREE USED CONDOMS???: This service has been provided to this community for five years? What's Really Happening in Detroit??? The streets of D...
This service has been provided to this community for five years?
What's Really Happening in Detroit???
The streets of Detroit are in disarray and over the last ten years have progressively gotten worse. More and more services are being dismantled, the education system is leaving all the children behind, and what bleak signs of a future that the children of Detroit have left is diminishing as every day goes by and as unqualified legislators puts more and more frivolous legislation on the table in an attempt for a quick fix without thoroughly researching what the inevitable outcome and what will progressively follow the moves and how it affects the legislation that currently exists. These moves are overwhelming the economy, the lives of the citizens, and the entire judicial system, and are clearly not in the best interest of the general society or the children who will inevitably suffer from the overall effects that are yet to come.
City services are more interested in maintaining and promoting projects and renovations in the city that have little to no affect on the residents who actually reside on the streets of the city. Detroit police cars desecrate our nations flag by displaying it backwards on the passenger side, actually what concerns me more is that the peace officers commissioned to serve and protect our states capital drive around desecrating our national flag, and nobody notices. When I was in the military, that ranked somewhere around treason? People are sleeping in the streets, and the education system is constantly the first place to cut funding. There’s an island being built on Livernois that the residents and businesses don’t want and billions of resources go to maintain a sidewalk down town instead where it is needed on the streets where the residents live in fear for their lives. As the city offices close at the end of the day, the residents are still living with all of the poor judgments and devastating choices and moves, which are impeding on their lives, safety, well being, and the futures of their children.
The children in this community are exposed to living conditions that if an average citizen were to expose to their pet to they would be prosecuted for abuse and neglect. Unfortunately this blatant failure to protect goes unnoticed for years. The streets and sidewalks of this community are littered with used drug needles, condoms, blood vials, dead bodies, trash and debris. Dozens of houses remain unsecured, falling down, and propose a constant threat to the safety and well being of the children who are forced to reside in this community.
You can hear gunshots ring out through the streets on a nightly basis, it is not uncommon to see houses or cars shot up, or firebombed. The residents have nobody except one another for protection. And the police are more known for harassment, assault and depersonalization, extortion and robbing street pharmacists over the protection of the people who live here.
These residents wake up every morning hoping that all of their family members are still alive, they have to wonder what possessions that they have left, if their car is still in the driveway, These residents are genuinely in fear for their well-being. Not the type of fear being instilled in the general society by the media and other entities, but from personally witnessing these atrocities for themselves. These residents have helplessly watched their neighbors houses burn down by the dozens, they’ve seen friends and family lay dying in the streets, they’ve had people close to them die from drugs and violence, and with little to no help and no urgency.
As years pass by, the children of Detroit are not only exposed unsafe living and environmental conditions but also biohazard us and infectious conditions. The children are being assaulted, robbed, raped, and killed as the rest if the taxpayers are being helplessly so demised by the very individuals who they commissioned to serve and protect them. These citizens are being denied the very fundamentals guaranteed to them and their families by the constitution of the United States. As hundreds of billions of their tax dollars are being spent to police the streets of other countries, and this lack of funding is slowly diminishing their futures, closing their schools, community projects, recreation and compromising their safety and means to build a future for their families
The very individuals that the residents of this local Detroit community commissioned to serve and protect them have neglected the children and residents of this community for years while the mayor was apparently too busy sqrewing around the rest of city council seem to be more interested in covering their own agenda and building their own legacy than performing the fundamental duties of their commission. There is a clear lack of knowledge, wisdom, accountability and judging by what we have seen of what seems acceptable; the competence of these very individuals needs to be questioned.
Organizations such as child protective services are too busy kidnapping children and destroying families in order to collect funding on the probability and possibility that something may happen, to address the neglect, illicit activities within their own cabinet that have been questioned all the way up to include the governors office. Fraud, perjury, misrepresentation, discrimination, the blatant neglect for state and federal laws, and manipulation of departmental policy has become common practice. When attempts to address these vital issues concerning the protection of our children are made they go ignored for years, as thousands of families are being destroyed based on what probably will never happen, and thousands of children are suffering and dying from the real issues that aren't even being addressed such as the overall failure to protect by all commissions.
One local community as a last effort to find some form of peace of mind, relief and protection from anyone who would listen, publicly posted dozens of signs over the doorways of abandoned houses pleading for help and protection throughout the whole community to include these posted on Michigan state highway 53. These pleas for help have been ignored for well over two years, as dozens more houses have been firebombed and hundreds of people have been robbed assaulted maimed and killed.
These residents live daily in fear for their and their families lives, knowing hey are alone against the travesties that happen daily in this community. Knowing that if they call 911, they most likely will be put on hold for up to an hour, and if they are blessed, they might see a peace officer in three hours, residents usually will pick up a gun or call a street pharmacist unless they feel confident they can hold off whatever endangers them with a plastic phone in hope that help will even show up. But most of the time they will be told to come down to the police station and file a report. Unfortunately thousands of police reports are never filed due to the police responding to a call and never documenting anything or paperwork just disappears when it is behalf of public services.
There’s even a fire house in this community never the less all of the houses in the same community are not in their jurisdiction and this engine will just sit in the fire house until engines from another company miles away respond to an emergency. Witnesses have watched the house directly behind this firehouse engulfed in flames on numerous occasions and these firefighters watch and wait for help to arrive. When they just so happen to have the same equipment and manpower paid for by tax dollars stored in their garage. Firefighters and police in this community will just watch you during an emergency or if you and your family are in danger for your lives and won’t do anything unless you call 911 and they are dispatched to help you. The majority of law enforcement officers in the city are in fear for their own lives much less concerned for the children and families who reside here. The elders in the community do more for the residents than the city officials
The current overall living conditions that are widespread throughout the city of Detroit far exceed the guidelines and numbers that would constitute a disaster. The gross neglect for the safety and well being on behalf of the children of Detroit is unimaginable and far surpasses what would be acceptable by any standards within our country. The current legislators that hold the commissions need to be held criminally liable for not providing adequate protection and services for the residents of Detroit. As the current cabinet is continuously cutting funding towards the fundamental necessities that are urgently needed for the families of Detroit to survive.
At this point the city of Detroit is in urgent need of services, intervention and resources that are unavailable through the means that currently exist, and the residents are drastically suffering due to this lack of experience and control throughout the system. The entire City of Detroit needs to be declared a disaster area under the same precedence that former president Clinton set for the empowerment zone. Even he had the insight to see that there was an obvious problem that needed immediate attention and wasn’t in denial. The residents can’t survive on the broken promises in hopes that something may transpire.
It seems that declaring the city a disaster zone is the only way to regain control of the city and to meet the demands and services that will inevitably be the end result in order to regain control from the criminals who currently clearly have control of the streets of the city. The Michigan National Guard needs to be deployed to the streets to intervene in the protection and security of the residents. If not only to at least insure that all residences in the city are legitimate, that all unoccupied structures are secured, and to mediate to whom the real criminals are and who proposes a greater threat to the residents who have lost the right to govern their city and provide for their children and families.
There needs to be a clear understanding of what is to be accomplished and by what means are acceptable to complete this task. Declaring the city a disaster is the only way to insure that the repercussions and liabilities concerning a widespread displacement of people and their needs are met. And that there is accountability for the actions that are to follow. At this point there is no solid structure within the legislation and all that remains are hundreds of broken promises and proposals from individuals who clearly are not capable to meet these demands.
There needs to be an independent panel of specialists appointed to insure the accountability of the current legislators, and to oversee the finances of the city in order to alleviate this current crisis. There are thousands of payroll checks being distributed to people who don’t even have a valid affiliation with the city, and the majority of the employees that are employed by the city are failing to provide the fundamental foundation of their job which is to provide services and protection for the residents who commission them.
Any further depletion of funding needs to address the lifestyles of the legislators who aren’t holding up to the standards needed by taxpayers who reside within the city. Their expense accounts need to be frozen and their blank check books need to be revoked indefinably until the basic standards of the residents are met. All positions that are funded by tax dollars are responsible for the safety and well being of the residents, and at this point these individuals need to be deployed to the streets in order to insure that these needs are met.
The current overall living conditions that are widespread throughout the city of Detroit far exceed the guidelines and numbers that would constitute a disaster. The gross neglect for the safety and well being on behalf of the children of Detroit is unimaginable and far surpasses what would be acceptable by any standards within our country. The current legislators that hold the commissions need to be held criminally liable for not providing adequate protection and services for the residents of Detroit. As the current cabinet is continuously cutting funding towards the fundamental necessities that are urgently needed for the families of Detroit to survive.
At this point the city of Detroit is in urgent need of services, intervention and resources that are unavailable through the means that currently exist, and the residents are drastically suffering due to this lack of experience and control throughout the system. The entire City of Detroit needs to be declared a disaster area under the same precedence that former president Clinton set for the empowerment zone. Even he had the insight to see that there was an obvious problem that needed immediate attention and wasn’t in denial. The residents can’t survive on the broken promises in hopes that something may transpire.
It seems that declaring the city a disaster zone is the only way to regain control of the city and to meet the demands and services that will inevitably be the end result in order to regain control from the criminals who currently clearly have control of the streets of the city. The Michigan National Guard needs to be deployed to the streets to intervene in the protection and security of the residents. If not only to at least insure that all residences in the city are legitimate, that all unoccupied structures are secured, and to mediate to whom the real criminals are and who proposes a greater threat to the residents who have lost the right to govern their city and provide for their children and families.
More and more legislation that is geared towards compensating for the incompetence of our system is depleting the means that the neighborhoods need to survive and all extra funding that is being extorted is only hurting the people who are not living in the luxury supported by their hard work. One of thousands of examples is the Drivers responsibility fee that penalizes drivers who could not afford insurance because they had to feed their families leaving them without a driver’s license which further hinders their need to put food on their families table. These people are forced to drive without a license because it is their only means to provide the support that is not being provided for them.
Unfortunately this legislation seems to only target the lower class individuals who can’t afford the luxuries of insurance. And who are forced to live under red line conditions because the inadequacy of services and protection that is initially an obligation of our legislators. Another interesting example is the seat belt legislation that clearly penalizes an individual who has not committed a crime, and directly impedes on ones religious right to allow them to put the outcome of their lives in Gods hands, when statistics prove a vast number of individuals who are maimed and killed by the use of safety belts.
A large percentage of legislation that has been adopted that impedes on ones basic rights and was intentionally initiated to diddle the citizens, urgently needs to be revoked and the legislators need to be held accountable, prosecuted and restitution needs to be awarded to the residents who have become damaged by their affect. As mayor Kilpatrick and his cabinet have graciously set the precedence to prosecute our legislators for crimes against the people. Serious consideration needs to be awarded to the citizens on which legislators should be prosecuted for treason against the people.
I have been one of the few people that these residents have seen who personally took the initiative to get out on the streets and provide some form of relief for their families. I sacrificed thousands of Pro bono man hours and expended millions of acquired resources in an attempt to provide some peace of mind for as many residents as possible with what limited means were available to my people and myself, as obscene amounts of resources are wasted without any progression towards the families who reside within the city. The information contained within this report is only a fraction of what the living conditions that our children endure. If these issues don’t raise a concern for the futures of our children, maybe you’re in denial or may need some of the psychotropic drugs that almost half our children are prescribed to control their behavior. At this point we need to grasp any type of solid resolution for these conditions that unfortunately plagues the children and residents of the city.
I was drafted to run for the office of mayor of Detroit but I had to decline because I wanted to maintain my reputation as somebody who actually performs the duties that these residents were under the impression that their officials were obligated to perform. I have witnessed that the obvious lack of concern for the future of our children involves the entire staff all the way up to include the governors office. Countless attempts have been made to address these concerns and have been blatantly ignored, as more and more frivolous legislation is being adopted without any accountability for what is currently already in place.
In a attempt to address some of the issues, the legislators are carelessly mutilating the rich history of the city, and wrecking and selling everything within their grasp they are turning the city into a wasteland while providing services to individuals who are on their friends and family plan rather than the children and families who have to live under these extreme conditions. How do we just walk away from the obligation that we have to protect the well-being and future of our children. It is really hard to determine who is more corrupt, and a greater threat to the safety and well being of our children, the police department or the criminals. Obviously somewhere along the line our legislators seem to have forgotten that their primary goal is to serve and protect the citizens who put them in their offices, I was under the impression that this country is founded on we the people, not we the legislators.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The streets of Detroit are in disarray and over the last ten years have progressively gotten worse. More and more services are being dismantled, the education system is leaving all the children behind, and what bleak signs of a future that the children of Detroit have left is diminishing as every day goes by and as unqualified legislators puts more and more frivolous legislation on the table in an attempt for a quick fix without thoroughly researching what the inevitable outcome and what will progressively follow the moves and how it affects the legislation that currently exists. These moves are overwhelming the economy, the lives of the citizens, and the entire judicial system, and are clearly not in the best interest of the general society or the children who will inevitably suffer from the overall effects that are yet to come.
City services are more interested in maintaining and promoting projects and renovations in the city that have little to no affect on the residents who actually reside on the streets of the city. Detroit police cars desecrate our nations flag by displaying it backwards on the passenger side, actually what concerns me more is that the peace officers commissioned to serve and protect our states capital drive around desecrating our national flag, and nobody notices. When I was in the military, that ranked somewhere around treason? People are sleeping in the streets, and the education system is constantly the first place to cut funding. There’s an island being built on Livernois that the residents and businesses don’t want and billions of resources go to maintain a sidewalk down town instead where it is needed on the streets where the residents live in fear for their lives. As the city offices close at the end of the day, the residents are still living with all of the poor judgments and devastating choices and moves, which are impeding on their lives, safety, well being, and the futures of their children.
The children in this community are exposed to living conditions that if an average citizen were to expose to their pet to they would be prosecuted for abuse and neglect. Unfortunately this blatant failure to protect goes unnoticed for years. The streets and sidewalks of this community are littered with used drug needles, condoms, blood vials, dead bodies, trash and debris. Dozens of houses remain unsecured, falling down, and propose a constant threat to the safety and well being of the children who are forced to reside in this community.
You can hear gunshots ring out through the streets on a nightly basis, it is not uncommon to see houses or cars shot up, or firebombed. The residents have nobody except one another for protection. And the police are more known for harassment, assault and depersonalization, extortion and robbing street pharmacists over the protection of the people who live here.
These residents wake up every morning hoping that all of their family members are still alive, they have to wonder what possessions that they have left, if their car is still in the driveway, These residents are genuinely in fear for their well-being. Not the type of fear being instilled in the general society by the media and other entities, but from personally witnessing these atrocities for themselves. These residents have helplessly watched their neighbors houses burn down by the dozens, they’ve seen friends and family lay dying in the streets, they’ve had people close to them die from drugs and violence, and with little to no help and no urgency.
As years pass by, the children of Detroit are not only exposed unsafe living and environmental conditions but also biohazard us and infectious conditions. The children are being assaulted, robbed, raped, and killed as the rest if the taxpayers are being helplessly so demised by the very individuals who they commissioned to serve and protect them. These citizens are being denied the very fundamentals guaranteed to them and their families by the constitution of the United States. As hundreds of billions of their tax dollars are being spent to police the streets of other countries, and this lack of funding is slowly diminishing their futures, closing their schools, community projects, recreation and compromising their safety and means to build a future for their families
The very individuals that the residents of this local Detroit community commissioned to serve and protect them have neglected the children and residents of this community for years while the mayor was apparently too busy sqrewing around the rest of city council seem to be more interested in covering their own agenda and building their own legacy than performing the fundamental duties of their commission. There is a clear lack of knowledge, wisdom, accountability and judging by what we have seen of what seems acceptable; the competence of these very individuals needs to be questioned.
Organizations such as child protective services are too busy kidnapping children and destroying families in order to collect funding on the probability and possibility that something may happen, to address the neglect, illicit activities within their own cabinet that have been questioned all the way up to include the governors office. Fraud, perjury, misrepresentation, discrimination, the blatant neglect for state and federal laws, and manipulation of departmental policy has become common practice. When attempts to address these vital issues concerning the protection of our children are made they go ignored for years, as thousands of families are being destroyed based on what probably will never happen, and thousands of children are suffering and dying from the real issues that aren't even being addressed such as the overall failure to protect by all commissions.
One local community as a last effort to find some form of peace of mind, relief and protection from anyone who would listen, publicly posted dozens of signs over the doorways of abandoned houses pleading for help and protection throughout the whole community to include these posted on Michigan state highway 53. These pleas for help have been ignored for well over two years, as dozens more houses have been firebombed and hundreds of people have been robbed assaulted maimed and killed.
These residents live daily in fear for their and their families lives, knowing hey are alone against the travesties that happen daily in this community. Knowing that if they call 911, they most likely will be put on hold for up to an hour, and if they are blessed, they might see a peace officer in three hours, residents usually will pick up a gun or call a street pharmacist unless they feel confident they can hold off whatever endangers them with a plastic phone in hope that help will even show up. But most of the time they will be told to come down to the police station and file a report. Unfortunately thousands of police reports are never filed due to the police responding to a call and never documenting anything or paperwork just disappears when it is behalf of public services.
There’s even a fire house in this community never the less all of the houses in the same community are not in their jurisdiction and this engine will just sit in the fire house until engines from another company miles away respond to an emergency. Witnesses have watched the house directly behind this firehouse engulfed in flames on numerous occasions and these firefighters watch and wait for help to arrive. When they just so happen to have the same equipment and manpower paid for by tax dollars stored in their garage. Firefighters and police in this community will just watch you during an emergency or if you and your family are in danger for your lives and won’t do anything unless you call 911 and they are dispatched to help you. The majority of law enforcement officers in the city are in fear for their own lives much less concerned for the children and families who reside here. The elders in the community do more for the residents than the city officials
The current overall living conditions that are widespread throughout the city of Detroit far exceed the guidelines and numbers that would constitute a disaster. The gross neglect for the safety and well being on behalf of the children of Detroit is unimaginable and far surpasses what would be acceptable by any standards within our country. The current legislators that hold the commissions need to be held criminally liable for not providing adequate protection and services for the residents of Detroit. As the current cabinet is continuously cutting funding towards the fundamental necessities that are urgently needed for the families of Detroit to survive.
At this point the city of Detroit is in urgent need of services, intervention and resources that are unavailable through the means that currently exist, and the residents are drastically suffering due to this lack of experience and control throughout the system. The entire City of Detroit needs to be declared a disaster area under the same precedence that former president Clinton set for the empowerment zone. Even he had the insight to see that there was an obvious problem that needed immediate attention and wasn’t in denial. The residents can’t survive on the broken promises in hopes that something may transpire.
It seems that declaring the city a disaster zone is the only way to regain control of the city and to meet the demands and services that will inevitably be the end result in order to regain control from the criminals who currently clearly have control of the streets of the city. The Michigan National Guard needs to be deployed to the streets to intervene in the protection and security of the residents. If not only to at least insure that all residences in the city are legitimate, that all unoccupied structures are secured, and to mediate to whom the real criminals are and who proposes a greater threat to the residents who have lost the right to govern their city and provide for their children and families.
There needs to be a clear understanding of what is to be accomplished and by what means are acceptable to complete this task. Declaring the city a disaster is the only way to insure that the repercussions and liabilities concerning a widespread displacement of people and their needs are met. And that there is accountability for the actions that are to follow. At this point there is no solid structure within the legislation and all that remains are hundreds of broken promises and proposals from individuals who clearly are not capable to meet these demands.
There needs to be an independent panel of specialists appointed to insure the accountability of the current legislators, and to oversee the finances of the city in order to alleviate this current crisis. There are thousands of payroll checks being distributed to people who don’t even have a valid affiliation with the city, and the majority of the employees that are employed by the city are failing to provide the fundamental foundation of their job which is to provide services and protection for the residents who commission them.
Any further depletion of funding needs to address the lifestyles of the legislators who aren’t holding up to the standards needed by taxpayers who reside within the city. Their expense accounts need to be frozen and their blank check books need to be revoked indefinably until the basic standards of the residents are met. All positions that are funded by tax dollars are responsible for the safety and well being of the residents, and at this point these individuals need to be deployed to the streets in order to insure that these needs are met.
The current overall living conditions that are widespread throughout the city of Detroit far exceed the guidelines and numbers that would constitute a disaster. The gross neglect for the safety and well being on behalf of the children of Detroit is unimaginable and far surpasses what would be acceptable by any standards within our country. The current legislators that hold the commissions need to be held criminally liable for not providing adequate protection and services for the residents of Detroit. As the current cabinet is continuously cutting funding towards the fundamental necessities that are urgently needed for the families of Detroit to survive.
At this point the city of Detroit is in urgent need of services, intervention and resources that are unavailable through the means that currently exist, and the residents are drastically suffering due to this lack of experience and control throughout the system. The entire City of Detroit needs to be declared a disaster area under the same precedence that former president Clinton set for the empowerment zone. Even he had the insight to see that there was an obvious problem that needed immediate attention and wasn’t in denial. The residents can’t survive on the broken promises in hopes that something may transpire.
It seems that declaring the city a disaster zone is the only way to regain control of the city and to meet the demands and services that will inevitably be the end result in order to regain control from the criminals who currently clearly have control of the streets of the city. The Michigan National Guard needs to be deployed to the streets to intervene in the protection and security of the residents. If not only to at least insure that all residences in the city are legitimate, that all unoccupied structures are secured, and to mediate to whom the real criminals are and who proposes a greater threat to the residents who have lost the right to govern their city and provide for their children and families.
More and more legislation that is geared towards compensating for the incompetence of our system is depleting the means that the neighborhoods need to survive and all extra funding that is being extorted is only hurting the people who are not living in the luxury supported by their hard work. One of thousands of examples is the Drivers responsibility fee that penalizes drivers who could not afford insurance because they had to feed their families leaving them without a driver’s license which further hinders their need to put food on their families table. These people are forced to drive without a license because it is their only means to provide the support that is not being provided for them.
Unfortunately this legislation seems to only target the lower class individuals who can’t afford the luxuries of insurance. And who are forced to live under red line conditions because the inadequacy of services and protection that is initially an obligation of our legislators. Another interesting example is the seat belt legislation that clearly penalizes an individual who has not committed a crime, and directly impedes on ones religious right to allow them to put the outcome of their lives in Gods hands, when statistics prove a vast number of individuals who are maimed and killed by the use of safety belts.
A large percentage of legislation that has been adopted that impedes on ones basic rights and was intentionally initiated to diddle the citizens, urgently needs to be revoked and the legislators need to be held accountable, prosecuted and restitution needs to be awarded to the residents who have become damaged by their affect. As mayor Kilpatrick and his cabinet have graciously set the precedence to prosecute our legislators for crimes against the people. Serious consideration needs to be awarded to the citizens on which legislators should be prosecuted for treason against the people.
I have been one of the few people that these residents have seen who personally took the initiative to get out on the streets and provide some form of relief for their families. I sacrificed thousands of Pro bono man hours and expended millions of acquired resources in an attempt to provide some peace of mind for as many residents as possible with what limited means were available to my people and myself, as obscene amounts of resources are wasted without any progression towards the families who reside within the city. The information contained within this report is only a fraction of what the living conditions that our children endure. If these issues don’t raise a concern for the futures of our children, maybe you’re in denial or may need some of the psychotropic drugs that almost half our children are prescribed to control their behavior. At this point we need to grasp any type of solid resolution for these conditions that unfortunately plagues the children and residents of the city.
I was drafted to run for the office of mayor of Detroit but I had to decline because I wanted to maintain my reputation as somebody who actually performs the duties that these residents were under the impression that their officials were obligated to perform. I have witnessed that the obvious lack of concern for the future of our children involves the entire staff all the way up to include the governors office. Countless attempts have been made to address these concerns and have been blatantly ignored, as more and more frivolous legislation is being adopted without any accountability for what is currently already in place.
In a attempt to address some of the issues, the legislators are carelessly mutilating the rich history of the city, and wrecking and selling everything within their grasp they are turning the city into a wasteland while providing services to individuals who are on their friends and family plan rather than the children and families who have to live under these extreme conditions. How do we just walk away from the obligation that we have to protect the well-being and future of our children. It is really hard to determine who is more corrupt, and a greater threat to the safety and well being of our children, the police department or the criminals. Obviously somewhere along the line our legislators seem to have forgotten that their primary goal is to serve and protect the citizens who put them in their offices, I was under the impression that this country is founded on we the people, not we the legislators.
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